Concept Design

Architecture viverra tristique justo duis vitae diam neque nivamus aestan ateuene artines aringianu the ateliten finibus viverra nec lacus. Nedana theme erodino setlie suscipe no curabit tristique.


Preliminary Plans & Pricing

Architecture viverra tristique justo duis vitae diam neque nivamus aestan ateuene artines aringianu the ateliten finibus viverra nec lacus. Nedana theme erodino setlie suscipe no curabit tristique.


Working Drawings & Consents

Architecture viverra tristique justo duis vitae diam neque nivamus aestan ateuene artines aringianu the ateliten finibus viverra nec lacus. Nedana theme erodino setlie suscipe no curabit tristique.


Chosing Your Builder

Architecture viverra tristique justo duis vitae diam neque nivamus aestan ateuene artines aringianu the ateliten finibus viverra nec lacus. Nedana theme erodino setlie suscipe no curabit tristique.

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Washington state law, RCW 19.310.040, requires an exchange facilitator to either maintain a fidelity bond in an amount of not less than one million dollars that protects clients against losses caused by criminal acts of the exchange facilitator, or to hold all client funds in a qualified escrow account or qualified trust that requires your consent for withdrawals. All exchange funds must be deposited in a separately identified account using your taxpayer identification number. You must receive written notification of how your exchange funds have been deposited. Your exchange facilitator is required to provide you with written directions of how to independently verify the deposit of the exchange funds. Exchange facilitation services are not regulated by any agency of the state of Washington or of the United States government. It is your responsibility to determine that your exchange funds will be held in a safe manner.

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